marketing your business online is a great way to connect with your potential customers

A business with an online presences is essential as many purchasing decisions start online. Digital marketing utilises online media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to reach people in the areas they already hang out.



Search Engine Optimisation

Good SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) will help your web pages reach a higher ranking in Google (or other search engines).

This is done by creating quality, relevant, content, creating internal links throughout, setting up back-links from other websites, well thought out meta descriptions and properly tagged images and title tags. Page speed is also very important.

Optimising your website will make it more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers.

Email Marketing

Marketing via email is a good way to promote your products and services. It is also a very effective way to ensure you remain engaged with your customers by keeping them up-to-date with your latest news or offers.

One of the many ways of doing this is via a regular newsletter that can be emailed to a list of subscribers. These subscriber email addresses can be captured via an opt-in form on your website.

Without a doubt emails are one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and turn them into customers.

Content Marketing

Quality content is key to engaging with your customers. It's also important to keep your content current and relevant. Not only that, quality content will also determine your website’s success with being seen in Google search results.

A great way to engage with your audience, whilst also keeping your content up-to-date, is via a regular Blog.

These Blog posts can then be used as a marketing tool and shared on your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin) to drive traffic back to your website.

Breakaway Creative

Based in beautiful Tasmania we have clients throughout Australia and the world.

Please get in touch to talk about your next design or website project, your ideas for your business, or simply to ask a question. We'd love to hear from you.


Kay Shanley
Business Owner & Designer

0419 230 422

Hobart, Tasmania

ABN 79 554 825 513


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