What is a domain name?
Your domain name is your website address.
For example, mine is: www.breakawaycreative.com.au.
This is the address people will use to visit your website.
What is website hosting, and what does the monthly price include?
Website hosting provides the services needed for your website to be viewed on the Internet.
Every website has to be hosted to exist. Think of it like your rental space on the internet for your website. Visit our Website Care Packages to view our different hosting plans.
What is WordPress CMS (Content Management System)?
WordPress is used by individuals, big businesses, and everyone in between. It is a content management system (CMS) that makes it easier to manage your website content.
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
SEO is important to enable your website to be found by search engines. This is done by creating meta keywords, page descriptions, sitemaps, links to social media, ensuring you have good content, and more.
If you want to push your website higher into search engine results, then there are other paid SEO options. View our Digital Marketing page for more details.
What is an SSL Certificate (Secure Sockets Layer)?
An SSL Certificate proves to search engines that your website is safe and secure to visit. In July 2018 it became mandatory for every website to have an SSL Certificate, and if you do not, your website is likely to be marked as 'Not Secure' to visit. Check to the left of your web address bar, there should be a closed padlock that when hovered on reads 'Connection is Secure'.